Naturally Brightening Skincare Review


Hey guys! Today I wanted to share with you a new skincare range that comes from natural cosmetics brand Burt's Bees. Not only have I been using Burt's Bees lip balm since high school (when Accutane made my lips sore and chapped and needed constant TLC), but I've absolutely loved seeing how the company has blossomed into a full-range natural skincare line (with even a few cosmetics thrown in there too). So when they invited me to try their newest line, dubbed "Brightening", I jumped at the chance, because with Daisy extract this range claims to treat hyperpigmentation in a 99% natural way.

Click play below to hear my initial impression on this all-natural, brightening skincare range.

Note: This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Burt's Bees via Burst Media. The opinions, products, photos, videos, and text are all my own.